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Year of Foundation:
ONEVC Investment Stage:
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Enter (formerly Talisman)

In Brazil, a combination of factors - (i) a relatively accessible legal system that allows individuals to file small lawsuits without prohibitive costs, (ii) a consumer protective culture and (iii) an inefficient judiciary with a large backlog - leaves large enterprises, such as airline companies and banks, managing thousands of claims every month. The country’s legal market moves more than $10B every year, growing 20% per year.

Using LLMs and an embedded workflow, Enter automates the handling of high-volume claims at a fraction of the cost of traditional internal teams or external law firms. Enter embodies the concept of 'selling work, not software', directly tapping into  companies' legal budgets, capturing a much larger market than what SaaS fees alone could achieve.
Enter was founded by Mateus Costa-Ribeiro, the youngest Brazilian to become a lawyer and person to be accepted at the New York Bar Association. He was joined by Mike Mac-Vicar, previously co-founder and CTO of Wildlife Studios; and Henrique Vaz, who was most recently CMO at Wildlife Studios and previously served as EIR at Bessemer Partners and as a Software Engineer at Tesla. 

Enter (formerly Talisman)

In Brazil, a combination of factors - (i) a relatively accessible legal system that allows individuals to file small lawsuits without prohibitive costs, (ii) a consumer protective culture and (iii) an inefficient judiciary with a large backlog - leaves large enterprises, such as airline companies and banks, managing thousands of claims every month. The country’s legal market moves more than $10B every year, growing 20% per year.

Using LLMs and an embedded workflow, Enter automates the handling of high-volume claims at a fraction of the cost of traditional internal teams or external law firms. Enter embodies the concept of 'selling work, not software', directly tapping into  companies' legal budgets, capturing a much larger market than what SaaS fees alone could achieve.
Enter was founded by Mateus Costa-Ribeiro, the youngest Brazilian to become a lawyer and person to be accepted at the New York Bar Association. He was joined by Mike Mac-Vicar, previously co-founder and CTO of Wildlife Studios; and Henrique Vaz, who was most recently CMO at Wildlife Studios and previously served as EIR at Bessemer Partners and as a Software Engineer at Tesla. 

Year of Foundation:
ONEVC Investment Stage:
Sao Paulo, Brazil